When creating these objects I ask: What relation can we have with "Faith"?. In the florescent glow in the dark of a Saint?
What difference is there between these objects of mass production with any other marketing?
How does it cease to have meaning to becoming empty meaning?.
In reality it is up to each one to place his faith, and his beliefs, in objects.
The objects stopped "being" for "having".
The third part refers to the mass-marketing of religious objects, sold in a multitude of copies as if they were sacred.
This standardization condemns what we could call objectification of the sacred and game playing of those who believe in those objects as if they were the sacred Gods themselves. This is related to the belief of the magic power and give to these objects power of protection that have nothing to do with reality.
3.PART THREE: Objects
3.1 Sacred Heart
3.2 Virgin “Campana”
3.3 Virgin (the offering)
3.4 Red Saint (the offering)
3.5 Desire Box
3.6 Jesus Altar (mass-marketing of the object and its fusion)
3.7 Lights for the stairway to death