The altars are attractive magnets for the viewer. Areas in which you are carried away by imagination, and discover details, enter another reality, the myth, the sacred, the inhumane, and the eternal.
“I have put the emphasis on the martyrs, in the contradiction between torture and faith, suffering and peace, eroticism and ecstasy. The Altars are sensationalist and dramatic, small magic theatres, mixing lights, mirrors, gold, silver, trompe l´oeil, a simulation of materials, that embody the original but are imitations”
Part one presents “Altars”, originally assembled with a mix of objects, photos, and iconic Roman Catholic characters. The artist's idea is to immerse the visitor in the imagery of the religious images and to expose the deception with the sacred. The artist emphasizes the mystification based on the illusion that a saint or religious icon bestows security to the person who prays to it. These altars are reflect the definition of Baroque; light effects, staged on scene, to place the visitor in a certain "climate" although “everything" is an illusion.
1. PART ONE: Altars
1.1. Altar Virgin (a sacred entrance to a church)
1.2. St John
1.3 The slave (introduces the notion of sacrifice)
1.4 Joan of Arc
1.5 The Miraculous virgin
1.6 The Seamstress (a link between past and present)
1.7 Ophelia (transition to Photography)